SONATA Deployment Documentation

This is the starting page for the deployment and usage documentation of SONATA Project. The page will guide you through the SONATA architecture and present the main building blocks of the SONATA Service Platform. Following it provides installations details and links to the SONATA Github repositories. Finally it provides some usage guidelines for the SONATA service platform.

Project maintained by sonata-nfv Hosted on GitHub Pages —

Start using SONATA

General workflow

Creating a network service with the SDK

The recommended workflow when developing a SONATA network service consists on using the CLI tools to create a workspace, create a project to hold the descriptors of the service, validate the components and finally, create a bundled service package. The required steps are as follows:

son-workspace --init
son-workspace --project project_dir

After this step, a sample Network Service Descriptor (NSD) and several Virtual Network Function Descriptors (VNFDs) are available at <project_dir/sources> directory.

Use a text editor of choice to edit the descriptors.

son-validate --project project_dir
son-package --project project_dir -n service_package

After this step, if everything is correct, a package file named service_package.son will be created.

son-access push --upload service_package.son

These are the most basic steps to develop a network service, however additional features may be used and configuration procedures may take place, when required. For instance, to compose a NSDs and VNFDs, the son-editor GUI may be used. Likewise, the son-validator GUI can also be used to trigger validations and visualize the resulting errors, the service network topology, the forwarding graphs, etc. Regarding configuration procedures, before step 6 takes place (onboard a network service to the service platform) the service platform URL and user credentials must be configured in the workspace. To learn more about the additional features and configuration requirements please consult the wiki [documentation]( of son-cli repository.

Testing a network service with the EMULATOR

To deploy and test a network service on the emulation platform you can use the son-cli tools just like you would do when pushing a service to the service platform. You can find an example service package and a detailed description of the workflow online. The main steps are as follows:

The output will show you the running VNFs of the service and the emulated datacenters:

Datacenter Container Image Interface list Datacenter interfaces
dc2 snort_vnf sonatanfv/sonata-snort-ids-vnf mgmt,input,output dc2.s1-eth2,dc2.s1-eth3,dc2.s1-eth4
dc1 client sonatanfv/sonata-iperf3-vnf client-eth0 dc1.s1-eth2
dc1 server sonatanfv/sonata-iperf3-vnf server-eth0 dc1.s1-eth3

Monitoring a network service with the son-monitor

To monitor a service running under son-emulator, son-monitor requires a Monitor Service Descriptor (msd). It describes which metrics to gather on the specified VNFs. A detailed explanation on building a msd can be found here. For this quick guide, the following msd can be used:

service_name: "sonata-demo-service"
version: "0.1"
author: "SONATA"
description: "Monitor descriptor example for the quick use guide"
dashboard: "son-demo-service"
  - metric_type: "cpu"
    description: "cpu load (%)"
      - vnf: "snort_vnf" 
  - metric_type: "packet_count"
    description: "packet_count of links"
      - description: "example tx traffic"
        link_id: "link-12"
        source: "client:client-eth0"
        destination: "snort_vnf:input"
        direction: "tx"
      - description: "example rx traffic"
        link_id: "link-32"
        source: "snort_vnf:output"
        destination: "server:server-eth0"
        direction: "rx"
son-monitor init start
son-monitor msd -f sonata_demo_service.yml start
son-monitor msd -f sonata_demo_service.yml stop
son-monitor init stop

The son-monitor wiki pages contain more information on how to use this tool.

Analysing a network service with the son-analyze

The metrics generated by a running service can be analysed using son-analyze. This tool will bring a service’s metrics inside an environment where the developer can further analyse them.

son-analyze bootstrap
son-analyze run


Further information can be found in the son-analyze wiki pages.

Deploying a service with the SERVICE PLATFORM

Login to SONATA Service Platform



Add a new VIM/WIM






Package on boarding

Package on-boarding in SONATA consists of a sequence of steps, performed before the package is stored in the platform’s Catalogues. These steps guarantee that only valid packages are made available to the platform owner’s customers. That sequence of steps are the following:

  1. Authenticate the developer submitting the package: the openness demanded for the 5G era of Service Platforms do not necessarily imply anonymity. Knowing who its users are support not only security but also some still unforeseen and arbitrarily complex business models between the different stakeholders;
  2. Authorize the developer submitting the package: with the expected network-based relationships between all the stakeholders, access and usage restrictions can naturally be needed, which demands a flexible but strong authorization set of mechanisms to be in place;
  3. Validating the submitted package: packages, services and functions have to follow a predefined schema, enabling fully automatic processes to be put in place to orchestrate the service dependent instantiation. Package signing, if present, can also be verified in this phase of the on-boarding process. Furthermore, semantic and logical verifications can be made, e.g., to alert to invalid specified flows of traffic;
  4. Submission for storage: valid packages have to be stored, both as the whole file and a set of meta-data that can later be used by the MANO Framework when a service instantiation, update or termination is requested, without having to open and extract that information from the whole package again.

With this last step concluded successfully, the service remains ready to be instantiated by any customer of the SP owner (see the following sub-section).

Login to SONATA Service Platform BSS



Instance a hello-world Network Service from BSS

(In order to proceed with the network service instantiation, it's necessary the service catalogue contains at least one service)






Monitoring a function

Install monitoring Probe

The easiest way to deploy monitoring probe is as Docker container but it can be installed also as a service.

git clone
cd son-monitor-probe
sudo docker build -f vm_mon/Dockerfile -t son-vm-probe .

Alternately, you can pull the latest image from Sonata’s repository in Docker Hub

sudo docker pull sonatanfv/son-monitor-probe:latest
sudo docker run -d --name son-vm-probe -e NODE_NAME=VNF_1 -e PROM_SRV=http://<service_platform_ip>:9091/metrics --net="host" --privileged=true  -v /proc:/myhost/proc -v /:/rootfs:ro son-vm-probe

More details about installation alternatives can be found in GitHub wiki.

Retrieve monitoring data from GUI

GUI provides monitoring data related to the components comprising the Sonata service platform and also the deployed VNFs. This information is organized in two views (named ‘Service platform’ and ‘VNFs’ ) under the Monitoring menu. Developers can access to monitoring data that are related with the VNFs of their NS using GUI.

see Login


