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Purpose of this tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial is to provide the reader with a general view about 5GTANGO platform in the easiest and quickest way possible. Here you will find a brief explanation about what 5GTANGO is, how to install it, how to use it and how to get technical support if required. This tutorial is not an exhaustive guide document to all features of 5GTANGO, but rather an “umbrella” document that will guide you to the more extensive documentation if required.

1. Document structure

This quick guide is organized in the following manner:

2. What is 5GTANGO?

5GTANGO is an agile service development and orchestration framework for 5G virtualized networks. It provides a programming model and a development tool chain for virtualized services, fully integrated with a DevOps-enabled service platform and orchestration system. 5GTANGO aims to support the programmability of software networks as well as the optimization of their deployments. Its modular design makes the SONATA service platform effortlessly customizable to meet the needs of different service providers.

5GTANGO provides a platform for supporting the lifecycle of virtualized networking services. In particular, network function chaining and orchestration are the target domains of SONATA.

Who is it for?

The 5GTANGO platform supports two main stakeholders in telecommunications service creation: service developers and service operators. 5GTANGO’s Network Service Development Kit (SDK) facilitates network service development for service developers. Such services are then deployed and run on 5GTANGO’s Service Platform. Through its extensive customization capabilities, the service platform allows communication service providers to adapt service provisioning to their specific environment and needs. 5GTANGO enables a DevOps workflow between the SDK tools and the service platform, which allows developers and operators to closely collaborate in providing an outstanding experience to customers. Also you have available the VnV for testing purposes.

2. General Architecture

The main architectural components of the 5GTANGO platform are shown in the figure below. In line with the support of service developers and service operators, SONATA distinguishes the two main components SDK and service platform. Services developed and deployed by this system run on top of the underlying infrastructure accessible to the SONATA system via Virtual Infrastructure Managers (VIMs), abstracting from the actual hardware and software.

Each of the three main components can be divided into a number of subcomponents, realized in a micro-service-based approach. Detailed information on the architecture and its components can be found in [].

5GTANGO Modules

The 5GTANGOplatform consists of a number of software modules which together provide the required functionality for network service creation, deployment, and management. Most modules can be attributed directly to either the service platform or to the service development (SDK), according to their use. Some modules are cross-cutting and are used in both major components.

Service Platform

5GTANGO’s Service Platform (SP) is where:

The main modules of the SP are the following:

These are the highest level modules. Further details on each one of them can be found in each one of those modules GitHub’s repositories.


The service development kit (SDK) consists of the following main modules:


The Validation and Verification (VnV) platform consist of the following modules:

3. Release Notes

4. Quick guide