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SDK installation

The 5GTANGO SDK provide a set of tools to help NFV developers to create network service and VNF descriptors and package them.


The installation of the sdk components requires: Python 3.5+ and setuptools.

Best practice is to first create a fresh virtual environment and then install all SDK tools in this environment.

# find out the path to your python3
which python3
# create a fresh virtualenv
virtualenv -p <path_to_python3> venv
# activate the virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate

Install all SDK tools:

# install tng-sdk-project
pip3 install git+

# install tng-sdk-validator
pip3 install git+

# install tng-sdk-package
pip3 install git+

Optional: If you want to use tng-sdk-benchmark, you need to setup and configure an experiment execution platform on a separate machine.

And install it locally:

# install tng-sdk-benchmark (this step is optional)
pip3 install git+

Configure the installation

# run tng-workspace to create a fresh workspace on your machine

Test the installation:

tng-project -h
tng-validate -h
tng-package -h
tng-bench -h  # (optional)

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